Crafting your brands one-liner

Most businesses struggle to talk about what they offer. What if I told you that refining your message can be easy, just takes a little time, reflection and implementation. I just finished reading Donald Miller’s book ‘Building a Storybrand’ and in this book, Donald outlines a process that helps businesses clarify their message so they can start growing again.

Building a Storybrand offers so many good techniques and strategies so I will definitely be making another post reviewing his full 7 step Story Brand Scripting strategy method. In this article, I will concentrate on how to build your business’ one-liner in 3 easy steps. A business one-liner is a quick and easy statement that clearly details how you help your customers (or clients). And honestly, it’s the easiest way to answer the question “What do you do?”

I highly recommend the Building a Storybrand book to help you edit, review and discuss the main objectives of your business.

Identify your customer’s problem

The first step is to get clear on what is your customer’s problem? Get specific about it, don’t be too general, you want the people out there who actually have this problem to instantly recognize that feeling and tune into what you have to say. So the main objective here is to make sure it’s a pain point that your customer will feel and get it down to a sound byte.

Okay, here is my customers ‘problem’

Most businesses don’t feel confident talking about what they offer.

Explain your plan to help them

The second step is providing a clear solution, my personal favourite step, is telling your clients exactly what you do. Clearly identify how you are going to fix the problem identified in the first step, how are you going to guide this business to success? Make it feel like a fresh idea, make it understandable, make it relatable and above all make it brief.

Below is my ‘solution’

I help people get clear in their message and brand design.

Describe a successful ending to their story

The third and final step is to talk about the success. How is your customer going to feel after you solve their problem? It’s kind of the happy ending to the mini-story you have created. This can also become the focal point of your business. How do you bring your customers success? Are you in the business of increasing their revenue? Or maybe you help them uplevel in some way. Make this last part sound natural, make it something they want and make it brief.

Here is my ‘success’ statement

So they can easily communicate to attract clients and increase revenue.

That’s it, 3 easy steps

Put everything together — you may have to edit slightly so it’s a nice and smooth flowing statement. Once you’re happy with your one-liner, write it down and display it somewhere around your desk so that when you’re working on your biz you are constantly reminded of your customer’s journey and how you guide them through that journey. Memorize it and be able to repeat it over and over, teach it to your team and open any presentations or workshops with this statement and use it in your marketing strategy as much as possible. Above all, have fun, talking about your brand should be a fun process and if you are having fun you will attract customers who want to join in on your joy and implement it in their life too.

Here is my full statement put together (and edited slightly)

“Most businesses don’t feel confident talking about their current offering. I help small business owners get clear on their brand strategy and design so they get noticed by their ideal clients and maximize their earnings.”

What’s your newly crafted business one-liner, share with me on social media, I’d love to see it!

Janel Lucia

I help businesses design websites and experiences that are beautifully simple, reassuringly smart and full of brand personality

Starting Fresh: A New Perspective


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