Semi-Custom Brand Kits

Imagine if you can have your beautiful brand in just one week! Introducing semi-custom brand kits. Elevated and creative brands that are customized just for you by an experienced designer like myself! These limited-edition brand kits are customized to give your business a cohesive, elevated brand.

Since coming back to business, after a lengthy time off to take care of my health, I had a few goals; more passion projects, more trying things just for fun and exploring myself as a creative outside of design work. My client work is so focused on strategy and creating solutions tailored to each client so trying new things is always on my to-do list. And then another thing happened as I came back, I noticed many people had a tight budget and were coming to me for custom design work very early in their business.

This could be controversial, but I never recommend a brand new business invest $$$ in a custom brand (unless they’ve done a ton of research and put work into their vision, mission, goals, audience etc). Why? because almost every business will shift and change within the first 6 months - 1 year. What you thought you loved can change, your niche or ideal client might change and may find your business goals and strategies are so different than when you started. The first year of business is spent figuring things out.

That’s why I love semi-custom brands. A full brand, on a budget.

So, what’s a Semi-Custom Brand anyways?

A semi-custom brand kit is a pre-made set of logos, icons, colour palette and a whole brand package made for you to feel more confident in your business so you can tell your brand story in a polished way.

This is for you if…

  • If you are a new business owner who needs a little help to feel confident in your brand & attract clients that will trust.

  • If you are on a budget but need an experienced professional designer to create a beautiful logo and other branding assets for your business.

  • If you are in need of your logo and other brand visuals with a fast turn around time because you do not have the time for a big branding project at the early stages of your business.


What’s included?

Each brand kit comes with a collection of high-end logos customized to fit your unique business. With a custom colour palette and font style guide so you don't have to guess how to style your brand. 


How it Works


Once you choose your brand template and checkout, you’ll receive a questionnaire to help me get to know your brand name, your business tagline and any other details you’re looking to see in your new brand.


I’ll work to update the name in the design, the monogram and the tagline. Within 72 hours (usually less), I’ll send over your personalized brand kit logo design for you to approve.


Once you approve your logo, you'll get all your logo files and brand assets in a variety of colours and formats.

It’s DIY, done the Right Way

Here’s a quick rundown when you’re just getting started in business. Doing a little strategy before choosing a brand aesthetic is always best. You still need a good brand voice in place in order to choose the look & feel that best represents your offer.

Step 1: Define your Brand’s Strategy. aka your target audience, your brand voice and your one liner

The first thing to do is define your brand strategy in order the effectively tell your story. This will be the foundation for the rest of your business and with this in place, everything else will make more sense and come more easily. Invest the time into developing a well-thought brand strategy so you have clarity and direction when choosing your brands look & feel. Plus, this is something you can do on your own (or with guidance like this previous blog post).

Step 2: Define the Look & Feel of your Brand. aka your logo, fonts, colours and visual aesthetic

After you get the strategy nailed down, you’ll want to define your brands look & feel. This is where choosing a template comes in, you will continue to develop and refine your style as you get steady in your business and when you are ready to invest in custom design, you’ll know more about what your brand identity should look like (and a designer will be able to understand your needs better) because you’ll have a grounded foundation for growth. The key here is to be consistent and keep it simple. You can purchase a semi-custom brand to get something simple.

How can I Get One?

Getting a semi-custom brand has never been easier, head on over to my shop and take a look around and choose the look & feel that aligns with your business.

Semi-Custom Brand Template Shop —>

I’m also very excited to announce that I will be offering Squarespace website templates coming to the shop very soon (:

Join the Squarespace Website Template Waitlist —>

If Semi-custom is not for you and you want to go for fully custom design and website solutions, please check out my services page

View Services —>

Cannot wait to see all your beautiful brands come to life

Janel Lucia

I help businesses design websites and experiences that are beautifully simple, reassuringly smart and full of brand personality

Building a Story Brand (pt 2)