Building a Story Brand


The Building a Story Brand strategy template is all about creating a clear and concise message so you can attract clients that want/need your offer. Aka attract your dream clients. Story Brand lets you show your clients that you truly understand their needs and want to help. 

The brand storytelling techniques in this guide result in higher audience engagement, more services sold and purchased products.

Think of your clients as the protagonist in your brand’s story. In every great story, a hero encounters a problem to be solved and a challenge to be won. You’ll engage more clients when you position your brand as the guide to help the hero (your client) find the tools and confidence they need to succeed.

Empathy is essential because it helps clients connect with your brand. Think about your favourite businesses, ones that you’re happy to recommend to others. They probably place you as a hero that evolved into greatness and their brand is the beloved guide.

Not only does this break down your client journey into a story format it also helps you incorporate it into all of your marketing assets from your website to nurturing email campaigns and presentations so that your message is clear and consistent and attracts and retains dream clients like a super magnet.

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